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Top 5 Ways to Conserve Energy by Home Automation

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The most trending query of the 21st Century is how to Conserve energy and that also by using Home Automation? This article outlines the ways and devices used for this purpose. It is basically a technology that includes interlinkages of different SMART devices through a single unit or hub. The ultimate goal is to provide convenience, reliability, and to enhance the lifestyle of an individual.

Smart Home to Conserve Energy

Imagine a fun-filled lifestyle where all tasks are done with convenience and just from a single touch on the screen. You can check who’s at your door if the doorbell rings, watch over the kids playing. Moreover, you can manage everything with a single touch i.e, turn on/off the lights, vary the temperature, play music, switch on/off the TV, DVD player, stream content, and much more.

When you are leaving the house in the morning, on a single pressing of the button “away” it will get the home ready for departure till you arrive. It will turn off the lights, lock doors, set the desired temperature, lower the shades, activate your security system, and cut down the power of unwanted devices.

Having discussed briefly home automation and its importance. Let’s have a look at the ways and devices used to conserve energy.

Lights Regulation

A smart home allows the control to turn on/off light when needed as per any activity or movement is detected. For instance, when you or your children forgot to turn off the light while leaving the house, the motion sensor will take care of it. These motion sensors conserve energy & help in eliminating energy losses while turning off the unwanted lights. You can also set the room lights to dim automatically at night. It can create a relaxing atmosphere whenever you want.

Smart Lights in smart home

Temperature Controlling

Home automation technology helps to conserve energy by allowing you to control th temperature throughout the living environment. Devices like Smart thermostats monitor energy consumption over time within the home, as well as ambient temperature. Based on the trend it simultaneously helps to heat or cool your home more efficiently. Simultaneously, airflows can be controlled appropriately depending upon the occupancy in the room so as to achieve a comfortable zone.

Adjusting Shades

In hot and humid summer weather, when the sunlight rushes in through the windows it brings an enormous load on the Air conditioner. Automated or smart shades shut down at a particular time when sun radiations are at peak. By using these shades, energy consumption by AC is reduced and allows you to keep your home cool and comfortable.

Energy Management

Kitchen appliances such as microwave oven, toaster, air conditioner, etc., consume energy even when plugged in and turned off. Without home automation, you have to disconnect manually to save energy. Whereas on the other side, a home automation system provides full control to manage a preset schedule. You can turn off the unwanted devices in case you are leaving the house just by a single touch.

Water Conservation


Water sprinklers in any home garden can be the most disturbing factor when it comes to water billing. You may forget to shut it down. As a result, it may consume energy as well as add it to your water bill also. Smart sprinkler systems have the capability to plan and execute the most efficient watering schedule for your yard. Hence reducing water waste that usually occurs due to poor sprinkler positioning or evaporation. Moreover, another device named Water leak sensors provides you with timely notifications and alerts before your water bill does.


Home automation systems, on one hand, provide convenience and comfort and simultaneously on the other hand cuts down the energy consumption. By having a positive impact on energy bills and cutting down household expenses it provides monthly savings for you and for your family to enjoy. Moreover, energy-efficient Smart homes help in conserving valuable resources such as electricity and water. Consumer knowledge of home automation technology is somewhat negligible, both in terms of options and affordability. It seems to them like a luxury or a complex system to manage. Hence a big investment in a home automation system will pay off in a long run.